The newest equipment for panoramic computer radiovisiography with elements of 3D imaging used in Clinical Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine allows identification with high precision of position, form, size and constitution of various jaw system structures. This survey is one of the key tools of modern diagnostics in dental practice. If necessary, a special protocol of procedures will be developed for you, including vast diagnostics, identification of centric relation (relations of teeth during occlusion), and computer reading of all movements of maxillo-temporal joint. You will be able to assess the visualized result on a screen, “fit” temporary veneers and dental crowns even prior to treatment commencement. This method allows finding the unique formula of your smile which accounts for all specific features of your appearance.
TENS machine allowing performance of wide range of diagnostic procedures is applied in complex dental treatment and efficiently solves esthetic problems. It is recommended in case of face and neck muscles hypertonia. After its application face contours change, muscles relax, and wrinkles flatten. Sitting in our cozy chairs developed accounting for anatomic peculiarities of human body, you will feel no tension in the process of treatment and will be able to watch a movie or listen to your favorite music.
We apply the newest methods of physical anesthesia in combination with aromatherapy.