In case of loss of large amount of tooth tissue, when anatomic shape of a tooth is impossible to be reconstructed with a filling, we use ultramodern ceramic inserts – onley, inley, overley. When a ceramic insert is installed, we keep a tooth alive, creating perfect contact between teeth. Ceramic onleys, inleys, overleys give almost no shrinkage, that is why they have high strength and ensure tight marginal fit to a tooth enamel. Staying in biologically safe zone as related to parodontium, they serve for much longer than fillings. Ceramic insert of high quality is almost impossible to distinguish from a natural tooth.
In cases when teeth’s failure to join is one of the components of pronounced facial and skeletal disproportion, combined orthodontic and orthopedic treatment of a patient is performed allowing obtaining optimal result with attenuated invasion, without the need to clear away large amount of dental tissue.